the power’s in your hands

You can help shift electricity demand by participating in Peak Smart.
When consumption across the Yukon reaches peak levels, Peak Smart programs ease the pressure on the power grid, improving reliability when Yukoners need it most.

All you need to be Peak Smart is a smart device. Or two. To get you started, we’re offering rebates and incentives on eligible devices, like smart thermostats.

With Peak Smart devices in your home, there’s power in your hands too.

sign up today

pilot program results

The Peak Smart pilot project took place over the winters of 2020 and 2021. We ran 12 test events with over 400 programmable electric baseboard thermostats installed in homes with electric heat and over 200 hot water tank controllers. The pilot showed that Yukoners are keen to actively participate in programs like Peak Smart, and that together we can reduce our peak demand.

Read the one-pager about what we learned.

2021 Pilot results

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