Enjoy the benefits of Peak Smart while shifting energy away from peak times. Signing up means you’re automatically entered into our Peak Smart contest, with $5,000 in prizes! Plus, you could receive up to 75% off the purchase and installation costs of eligible devices with one of our rebates.

That’s being Peak Smart.

how to join Peak Smart Home

Step 1: Check the program eligibility below to make sure your home is eligible.

Step 2: Review the list on the rebates page to see if your device is eligible.

  • If you don’t already have a device, the rebates page offers details on where and how to buy.

Step 3: Install your device.

  • If you’d like installation support, visit the Good Energy providers website for a list of contractors familiar with Peak Smart.

Step 4: Enroll your device. This final step depends on which brand of device you have.

  • For Sinopé products, enroll directly through the Neviweb App for Android or Apple.
    • For step-by-step instructions, see the Related Downloads section below.
    • Take a screenshot of the screen showing your enrolled devices – this will be requested in the rebate application. 
  • For Mysa products, enroll online through Mysa’s website
    • For step-by-step instructions, see the Related Downloads section below.
    • Once you’ve enrolled, Mysa will send you a confirmation email. Either screenshot this email or save it as a .pdf file – this will be requested in the rebate application.

You’ve now joined Peak Smart and are helping the Yukon shift the peak!

To be notified of scheduled Peak Smart Events, request email notifications from peaksmart@clearesult.com.

get up to $1,500 in rebates per home

Once you’ve joined Peak Smart, you can apply for a rebate. There are rebates available for thermostats and hot water tank controllers (plus leak detection accessories) enrolled in Peak Smart Home that cover up to 75% off purchase and installation costs – up to $750 per device – with a maximum of $1,500 in rebates per home.

With your device purchase receipt, installation receipt (if applicable), and proof of enrollment, you are ready to submit your rebate application, available through Good Energy Rebates.

learn about rebates

program eligibility

To join Peak Smart, you must:

  • Live in a home that’s connected to the Yukon grid*, which includes single-family detached and attached homes, townhouses, and rowhouses.
    • NEW: Renters are now eligible to participate in Peak Smart Home!
    • Units within multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs) – such as apartment buildings and condos – must have individual control over their own heat and/or hot water to participate.
      *This means that people living in Old Crow, Burwash Landing, Destruction Bay, Beaver Creek, or Watson Lake are not eligible to participate in the program.
  • Have an active electricity account with Yukon Energy or ATCO Electric Yukon, as a residential customer.
  • Have one or more eligible device(s) installed at your home.
  • Have a consistent internet connection, including but not limited to DSL, fiber, or satellite.
  • Be at least 19 years of age or older.
  • Complete the sign-up process and agree to the program’s Terms and Conditions, including participation in Peak Smart events.

Additional eligibility requirements for specific incentives are listed under the Get Cash Back section of this website.